
Yquem狄康貴腐甜白酒 Sauternes/Barsac

波爾多除了是世界知名的紅酒產區之外,其實還是全世界最著名的貴腐甜酒產地之一。波爾多市南邊的Sauterns產區聚集了眾多的貴腐甜酒精英酒莊,其中Chateau d’Yquem可說是精英中的精英,在1855年的頂級酒莊評等中被列為唯一一家「特優一級酒莊(Premier Cru Supérieur),說它是波爾多貴腐甜酒之王亦當之無愧。

早在15世紀後半Yquem的莊園就已經存在了,不過要到1711年左右才開闢為葡萄園。從1785年起Lur-Saluces家族成為Yquem的擁有者,在200多年來歷代莊主的手中,建立起Yquem在波爾多貴腐甜酒界中無與倫比的崇高地位。美國第三任總統Thomas Jefferson曾造訪本酒莊,並寫下紀錄說 “Sauterne. This is the best white wine of France and the best of it is made by Monsieur de Lur-Saluces.” 1968年到2004年之間Alexandre Lur Saluces掌管酒莊的這30幾年間,將本莊的水準和聲譽引領到前所未有的高度。1996年精品集團LVMH入主酒莊,並且委任由白馬堡莊主Pierre Lurton負責經營管理。

位於Sauterns村的Chateau d’Yquem擁有本村最好的風土條件,100公頃的葡萄園是貧瘠而排水良好的礫石地,種植的品種是80 % Semillon和20 % Sauvignon Blanc,每年收成都要經過多次採收以確保獲得品質最佳的原料葡萄,有些品質不理想的年份甚至不出品;葡萄汁是在全新橡木桶中發酵,還要經過長遠3年半左右的桶中熟成才會裝瓶上市,平均產量每年只有65,000瓶左右。Chateau d’Yquem的風格是極為豐富華麗、香甜濃郁,可以輕易陳年幾十年,甚至上百年!

Château d’Yquem也生產不甜白酒稱為 “Y”,1959年才開始生產,而且只有。平均來說是80% Sauvignon Blanc 和 20% Semillon的混釀;溫控不銹鋼槽發酵,不進行乳酸發酵,法國橡木桶(50%新桶)中熟成10個月左右。它的年產量不到1000箱,是波爾多的夢幻名酒之一。

I have had the very good fortune to taste the 2001 d'Yquem perhaps a dozen times since its release and have never been less than absolutely floored by its combination of poise, purity, precision and layer upon intricate, jaw-dropping layer of flavor nuances. It is among a very small clutch of incredible wines that crash through the 100-point ceiling and rocket beyond the stratosphere! A testament to that magic that can be created when an uncommonly great vintage for Sauternes brings out the best of an extraordinary vineyard and is skillfully, sensitively crafted, the 2001 is a true wine rarity that must be tried to be believed.

Pale to medium lemon-gold, the nose is simply WOW—an absolute show-stopper, delivering vibrant, youthful lime cordial, pink grapefruit and lemon meringue pie scents followed up by suggestions of chamomile tea, saffron, cassis and nutmeg plus wafts of marzipan, crushed rocks and beeswax. The palate is beyond-belief intense, offering a myriad of decadent citrus fruit preserves and earthy/mineral-inspired nuances, instilling incredible depth, all punctuated by profound freshness and finishing epically long and exquisitely delicious. The alcohol this vintage is 13.6%, while the residual sugar is a whopping 150 grams per liter, beautifully balanced by a total acidity of 4.5 grams per liter of H2SO4. Obviously, the longer readers are willing to cellar this, the more they will get of that ethereal tertiary complexity/experience. This said, for those who love great Sauternes in its youthful/primary flushes, even at this very early stage in its evolution, the multifaceted 2001 d'Yquem will not disappoint.

WA:100  Drink Date: 2019 - 2100
