
Unico 秋收醴讚紅酒 西班牙

若提到最頂級的西班牙國寶級酒廠,當屬維嘉西西里亞酒廠。故事的起源要回到 1848年,Toribio Lecanda買下了約800公頃的土地,開啟了維嘉西西里亞的傳奇。園區早期主要的經營重心在於畜牧、穀物、果樹種植與陶器製作等,直到 1864 年由Toribio 的兒子 DonEloy Lecanda y Chaves 接手經營後,才開始耙地、種植。Eloy 不僅僅栽種本地的格

那希(Grenache) 與田帕尼歐 (Tempranillo) 品種,更從法國購買了 18,000 株葡萄,包含卡本內蘇維濃(Cabernet Sauvignon)、梅洛(Merlot)、馬爾貝克(Melbec)、甚至黑皮諾(Pinot Noir) 品種。

1915 年,酒廠正式以維嘉西西里亞酒廠的名義推出5款葡萄酒:UNICO 紅酒、無年份的 UNICO

RESERVA ESPECIAL、UNICO 白酒 (1947 年起停產)、VALBUENA 5°以及 VALBUENA 3°(最後生產年份為1987)。1929 年在巴塞隆納世界博覽會 (Exposicion Universal de Barcelona) 中,維嘉西西里亞酒廠的旗艦酒款 UNICO 以 1917 與 1918 兩個年份贏得榮譽大獎,打響了酒廠的知名度。

WA: 95  Drink: 2015-2025
They have kept 2005 and 2006 for now, and they are releasing the 2007 Único from a lighter vintage that is accessible already; they will even sell 2008 before 2005 and 2006. 2007 was a cold vintage in Ribera and it produced lighter, fresher wines (perhaps not as problematic as 2008, but there was also frost in 2007). The wine might be a tad lighter than other vintages, but it's more structured than 2008; it combines elegance and power, is nicely balanced and should be able to develop in bottle for many years, although the quick evolution of the bottle once opened made me hesitate about its drinking window. Let's hope I'm wrong. 80,000 bottles produced.


Vega Sicilia
Ribera del Duero
WA: 95