
Lagrange拉葛蘭其堡 三級酒莊

座落在波爾多產酒名村St-Julien的Chateau Lagrange,其歷史可以追溯到中世紀時代,在十九世紀已發展成聲譽卓著的酒莊,並在1855年的頂級酒莊分級中被遴選為三級酒莊。然而進入二十世紀後,隨著世界經濟不理想的影響,其生意也因而大幅衰退,業主Cendoya家族被迫將葡萄園分割出售,整個酒莊的狀況只能以江河日下來形容,直到1983年日本Suntory集團入主本酒莊才又使Chateau Lagrange重新起死回生。

在Suntory剛接手經營之時,Chateau Lagrange的莊園面積從極盛時期的280公頃減少到157公頃,員工僅有13人,釀造設備也非常老舊,建築物則形同廢墟。Suntory派來的主事者是留學波爾多大學葡萄酒釀造研究所的鈴田健二先生,他請到了他的老師—波爾多首屈一指的釀造專家Emile Peynaud以及Las Cases的莊主Michel Delon來協助重建本酒莊。有過半的葡萄樹被陸續改種,釀造設備全部更新為溫控的不鏽鋼發酵槽,以及城堡和庭園的整修,整個酒莊可說宛如鳳凰的浴火重生。事實上Suntory花費在重新整建的金額超過了購買這個酒莊的金額!

由於其典型的Medoc土壤組成,其葡萄品種的種植是65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 28% Merlot 和 7% Petit Verdot。經過多年的投資和努力,Chateau Lagrange的品質已重回頂級水準,並且仍在不斷地提升中,連Robert Parker都曾經對Suntory投入的心力所帶來的長遠進步表示欽佩。Chateau Lagrange是以紮實耐久存出名的,常常需要10年左右的時間才會達到適飲期,而且可以輕鬆地陳年20到30年。以其近年來的表現來看,其價格是頗為划算的,是波爾多紅酒愛好者的理想選擇。

WA:95 Drink:2025 - 2055

The 2019 Lagrange has turned out beautifully in bottle, wafting from the glass with aromas of cherries, blackberries and cassis mingled with hints of loamy soil, pencil shavings and bay leaf. Medium to full-bodied, fleshy and enveloping, with an ample core of lively fruit, powdery tannins and succulent acids, it's suave and seamless, concluding with a long, expansive finish. The result of an extremely rigorous selection, and incorporating fully 80% Cabernet Sauvignon, this is the finest wine this château has produced in the modern era. Remarkably, it was released at the same price en primeur as the 2005!

When Matthieu Bordes arrived at Château Lagrange in 2006, he had the good fortune to take over a vineyard that had been extensively replanted in the 1980s and was just arriving at maturity. Since Suntory acquired this estate, indeed, no expense has been spared, nor has any selection been considered too severe; and as the fruits of that investment over the years met Bordes' talents, the results have been exceptional. The 2019 Lagrange, the finest wine produced here in the modern era, shows just what this estate is capable of, and it is worth a special effort to seek out.
