
Haut Brion Blanc歐比隆白酒 一級酒莊

Château Haut-Brion是全波爾多產區裡最早成名的頂級酒莊,1533年Jean de Pontac因為婚姻而獲得這片土地,他在這裡建造了高貴的宅第、開設了Haut-Brion葡萄酒莊;這是波爾多第一家以酒莊名做為產品名稱出品的葡萄酒,亦是後來酒莊葡萄酒的原型。Arnaud de Pontac在17世紀率先開始釀製濃郁口感的紅酒,並且以現代精品名牌的行銷方式到英國倫敦開設有史以來最高級的專賣餐廳,建立出國際知名度。它在17、18世紀時都是全波爾多最紅的酒莊,以致於即使它並不位於Medoc產區,但是1855年的頂級酒莊名單中仍破例將它遴選為一級酒莊,其聲譽之卓著可見一斑。

一位出色的美國銀行家Clarence Dillon在1934年一趟前往波爾多的旅行中,他深陷於Château Haut-Brion酒堡的魅力裡,毅然地決定收購這座傳奇性的城堡。Dillon家族後來又陸續將Château La Misson Haut-Brion、Château Laville Haut-Brion、Château La Tour Haut-Brion納入家族的版圖。現在這些頂尖的酒莊統籌在Domaine Clarence Dillon集團下,由他的曾外孫Prince Robert de Luxembourg盧森堡王子羅伯特負責經營管理。

酒莊葡萄園就在波爾多南郊,比起其他在鄉間的葡萄園來得溫暖,所以Haut-Brion的葡萄園常是全波爾多最早成熟的;而葡萄園中種植相當高比例的Merlot(佔48.7%)讓其紅酒酒質圓潤甜美,其他是Cabernet Sauvignon 39.6 %、Cabernet Franc 10.7%、Petit Verdot 1 %,平均樹齡35歲,不過也有些90歲的老樹。大致來說其酒質是五大酒莊裡面最早達到適飲期的,因此有不少忠實愛好者。

Château Haut-Brion生產的白酒亦是波爾多白酒中的極品,種植白品種的葡萄園僅有2.9公頃,種了Semillon 51.5 %和Sauvignon Blanc 48.5 %;為了保有良好的酸度,採收工作通常是在日出前進行。它不只是全波爾多最卓越的不甜白酒(也是最難找和最昂貴的!),也被酒評家們公認是世紀級的頂尖白酒,擁有數十年的陳年能力。

The weather

The year 2002 was very dry, but the low rainfall was well spread out and ensured that the vines received the regular amounts of water they needed. A slightly cool summer delayed ripening, but conditions became ideal for harvesting from the 9th of September onward: relatively hot, sunny days, and an unusual north-easterly wind for the season. The grapes for the white wine, followed by the red, reached the vat room in perfect condition, without being touched by a single drop of rain.


Tasting Notes

This wine shows the vibrant aromas of ripe Sauvignon Blanc: mint, anise and especially muscat and musk. The overall impact is very floral, subtle and elegant set against the depth of a very mellow and supple wine for the year. The wine’s freshness, its fruit and its balance make it very special among Graves white wines.

Surprisingly lively and fresh, this is still a seriously impressive wine. The high proportion of Semillon is now coming to dominate the Sauvignon, to give a wine that is finely shaped, full of creamy flavors of wood and some white peach

Wine Enthusiast: 96

Haut Brion White
WE: 96