
Clos de Tart Grand Cru大德特級園 Bourgogne

Clos de Tart

布根地Morey Saint-Denis村的特級葡萄園Clos de Tart,位置在 Bonnes Mares 和 Clos des Lambrays 兩大頂級園之間,南邊靠近Chambolle-Musigny村。它是西元1141年由西都會修道院l’Abbaye Notre-Dame de Tart修女所建立的葡萄園,葡萄園至今仍保持原狀由石牆圍繞。1932 年由酒商 Mommessin 家族買下經營至今,而且一直保持未經過分割的獨佔園(Monopole),這在布根地是相當罕見的情況。

它的總面積有7.53公頃,種植面積有6.17公頃;園內平均樹齡超過 60 歲,最老的樹則有百歲以上。1996年起現任釀酒總管 Sylvain Pitiot 接掌酒莊,逐步改變 Clos de Tart 的風格,在他手中 Clos de Tart 脫胎換骨,由以往較為嚴謹的口感轉變為豐滿圓厚的風格。Clos de Tart平均每公頃產量在2,800至3,000公升。酒廠依照傳統方式釀造,大部分的葡萄會去梗,剩下部分整串進槽中發酵,然後使用 100 % 全新橡木桶熟成18個月,不經澄清與過濾後裝瓶,裝瓶後還要放置於酒窖一年後才上市。如果遇到年份不佳或是品質未達酒廠的理想的葡萄,會以二軍酒La Forge de Tart出售,自我要求非常嚴謹,因此每年約只能釀製出1,500箱,相當珍貴稀有。

近年來Clos de Tart紅酒的風格是豐潤圓柔、優雅高貴,在年輕階段就可以飲用。在陳新民教授的「稀世珍釀-世界百大葡萄酒」書中中亦將它選入做專文介紹。

Burghound Score: 92?
Tasted: Jan 15, 2015
Drink: 2024+

Issue: 57

Tasting note: Discreet but not invisible wood sets off reserved and markedly ripe aromas of plum, spice, cassis, dried flowers and plenty of earth character. The concentrated big-bodied flavors possess copious amounts of palate coating dry extract that also serves to buffer the very firm tannic spine on the beautifully long finish that seems to lack a bit of energy at present. This is an imposing but not massive vintage for this storied wine that is borderline heavy. It's of course possible that the recent bottling has fatigued the wine but for the moment this comes across as a bit flat.

Clos de Tart
BH: 92